Welcome to the teachinVietnam program from schoolbird. Learn why we know you’ll love teaching English in Vietnam. If you’re ready for the next steps, click the button to be sure that you meet all the requirements before applying.
Vietnam is one of Asia’s best-kept secrets for both travelers and teachers. With a swelling population and a roaring economy, Vietnam has undergone seismic change over the last two decades. A country once clouded by war is now squarely focused on what the future has to bring. With English education becoming mandatory in many public and private schools—the government emphasizes the value of native-speaker instruction, and their compensation packages reflect this. With the low cost of living, relatively high wages, and the abundant travel opportunities, it’s hard to argue against Vietnam being the premier destination for teaching English abroad!
Adventure of a Lifetime
The opportunities to travel inside the country and enjoy cultural immersion are endless with cheap and efficient travel readily available from Hanoi all the way down to Ho Chi Minh City. With a massive population of 91 million, Vietnam is a bustling and vibrant place, home to one of the richest biodiversities in the world. The country provides 2,000 miles of mainland Asia’s coastline, a vacation-like tropical climate year-round, breathtaking mountain regions, remote rural villages cascading down rice paddies, modern city skyscrapers with office buildings and karaoke bars, bustling night markets, and gorgeous karst mountains just begging to be explored. And that’s just Vietnam! With Laos, Cambodia, China, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, The Philippines, Indonesia, and even India practically next door, you can easily get away to anywhere your heart desires for incredibly little money or time spent getting there.
Positive Impact
On both an individual and universal scale, teaching English in Vietnam has a phenomenal impact on everyone involved. You're an ambassador in a very personal way because universally education is the most powerful tool for success. As a teacher, you can take great pride in playing a pivotal role in changing your students' lives for the better. Is there really anything more beautiful in this world than helping the youth expand their potential and realize their dreams?
Salaries for English teachers in Vietnam are resoundingly higher than in any country in Southeast Asia. On top of that, the cost of living in Vietnam is significantly lower than in English-speaking countries. In fact, most English teachers report being able to save half or more of their monthly earnings while teaching abroad. If you want to live a relatively lavish lifestyle or save money for your future, then Vietnam is definitely the destination for you!
Professional Growth
Your future is bright if you opt to take a leap of faith and teach in Vietnam because in the globalized economy of the 21st-century teaching abroad is like gold on your resume. Employers in nearly every profession put a high value on international work experience. They believe it's an automatic indicator of strong character, cross-cultural communication, leadership qualities, critical problem solving, group management, and open-mindedness. Also, taking on a job in a foreign country will prove your initiative, your willingness to move out of your comfort level, and your ability to take on new challenges and adapt to a new environment. We can bet that your resume will be pushed to the top of every pile!
Ready to learn more?
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Here is what you can expect when you’re teaching in Vietnam.