Salary and Compensation

Below review the salary and compensation based on
Vietnam’s current averages.



Most salaries range from 360,000 VND-580,000 VND per hour.

There are very few centers that pay a flat salary (guaranteed salary, including paid holidays).

Some centers pay (net) with no income tax. Some centers pay (gross) and take out a 10% income tax. The 360,000 VND salary would apply to an foreign teacher with no experience; they would just need a 2-or-4-year university degree in any subject.

Foreign Teacher Compensation

Hourly Contracts: Most centers only pay hourly. Centers will give contracts to foreign teachers for guaranteed hours per week. However, holidays, testing, school events, and other items excluded.

Living Expenses: Very few centers will compensate for housing, medical insurance, transportation, food, and holiday. They usually won’t give foreign teachers anything extra.

Costs for Foreign Teachers

What you can expect to pay for during your stay abroad


Expect These Costs

Candidates should expect the following costs should they join the foreign teacher program: flights to Vietnam, B-1 work permit, business visa, food, travel, housing, medical and all other living expenses.


If you would like to review the requirements to qualify for the teachinVietnam program, click here.

If you would like to apply to the teachinVietnam program, click here.